I am trying to extract image tags from the description section of an image using VB.NET. The image tags are stored in the description section:
Tags I saved:
StyleShootsModel=sam001;StyleShootsAspectRatio=2_3;StyleShootsPreset=Jacqueline;StyleShootsProducts=21FKA00012;StyleShootsFraming=CRP;StyleShootsEquipment=StyleShoots Live ();
I've attempted the following sample code:
Public Shared Function GetDMetaTagFromImage(ByVal path As String) As DateTime Using fs As FileStream = New FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read) Using myImage As Image = Image.FromStream(fs, False, False) Dim tagsValue As String = "" Dim tags = myImage.PropertyItems.FirstOrDefault(Function(pi) pi.Id = &H9C9E) If tags IsNot Nothing Then tagsValue = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(tags.Value) End If Return tagsValue End Using End UsingEnd Function
However, the code doesn't seem to work as expected. How to correctly extract the image tags from the description section using VB.NET?