I was wondering if it was possible to scroll up and down on the showPreviewHover tooltip.
In VSCodeVim, after triggering showPreviewHover with shift+k, the focus moves to the tooltip, but I am unable to scroll through the documentation using the hjkl keys. I would like to replicate this Vim-like behavior in VSCode. Does anyone know how to configure VSCodeVim or VSCode itself to allow hjkl scrolling within the showPreviewHover tooltip?
Thanks in advance for the answers.
Currently my keybindings.json has this entry:
{"key": "shift+k","command": "editor.action.showDefinitionPreviewHover","when": "editorFocus" }
Edit: I found a working solution, if anyone has the same issue this topic should help: https://github.com/VSCodeVim/Vim/issues/3740.
Now I wonder if would be possible to to move the caret on the prewiew enabling, for example, to follow the links inside it.