What is the proper way to pass a dictionary from python to pl/sql anonymous block?Pl/sql need to receive data from dictionary, loop over keys and return a list of keys and counter variable, but I dont understand how.
Code below returns
oracledb.exceptions.NotSupportedError: DPY-3002: Python value of type "dict_items" is not supported
with connection.cursor() as cur: # sample dictionary d_data = {'111': 'YES', '222': 'NO', '333': 'YES'} cur.execute("""\ DECLARE TYPE d_icusnums_type IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(100) INDEX BY VARCHAR2(100); d_icusnums d_icusnums_type; BEGIN FOR key_val IN :data LOOP d_icusnums('key_val.key') := 'key_val.value'; END LOOP; END;""", data=d_data.items())