I am using Tailwind CSS to style my web app, In local, it works perfectly but when I build my GitHub repository and deploy it on Vercel, it does not work, where is the problem with this?
one of my col:
<div className={`${classes.allTechnicalList} flex flex-wrap items-center justify-center px-0`}><Col lg={2} md={6} sm={6} xs={12} className={`lg:px-0.5 md:pr-0 md:pl-8 py-4 ${classes.allTechnicalListCol}`}><div className="imgBorder text-center rounded-lg shadow block flex-wrap justify-center items-center px-5 pt-8 pb-16 lg:mb-12 h-44 lg:w-48"><Image className="max-w-full h-full m-auto" alt="" src="/php-icon.png" /><p className="text-sm space-x-1 m-0 pt-2 pb-4">PHP</p></div></Col> . . .
After build and deploy it on Vercel:
As you see, in local the col
display is flex
but on the server, it is not.
This is my taiwlind config:
module.exports = {purge: ["./pages/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}", "./components/**/*. {js,ts,jsx,tsx}"],darkMode: false, // or 'media' or 'class'theme: {extend: { transitionDuration: ["hover", "focus"],},fontSize: { sm: ["15px"], base: ["16px", "24px"], lg: ["25px", "28px"], xl: "40px",},},variants: {extend: {},},corePlugins: { container: false,},plugins: [ function ({ addComponents }) { addComponents({".container": { maxWidth: "100%","@screen sm": { maxWidth: "600px", },"@screen md": { maxWidth: "765px", },"@screen lg": { maxWidth: "1320px", },"@screen xl": { maxWidth: "1320px", }, }, });},],};
this is postccs.config.js:
module.exports = {plugins: ["tailwindcss","postcss-flexbugs-fixes",["postcss-preset-env", { autoprefixer: { flexbox: "no-2009", }, stage: 3, features: {"custom-properties": false, }, },],],};