my app is running successfully but it indicates that warning
ERROR Warning: Each child in a list should have a unique "key" prop.
Check the render method of AnalogClock
const renderClock = () => {
if (clockType === 'analog') { return (<AnalogClock key={selectedTimeZone} // Unique key for each instance of AnalogClock colorClock={ timeZones.find( (zone) => zone.value === selectedTimeZone).color } colorNumber="#000000" colorCenter="#00BCD4" colorHour="#FF8F00" colorMinutes="#FFC400" hour={time.setZone(selectedTimeZone).hour} minutes={time.setZone(selectedTimeZone).minute} seconds={time.setZone(selectedTimeZone).second} autostart={true} showSeconds={true} /> ); } else { return (<Text style={ [styles.digitalClock, { color: timeZones.find( (zone) => zone.value === selectedTimeZone).color }]}> {getTimeInTimeZone(selectedTimeZone)}</Text> ); }};
How would I resolve this error? how would I change the key value that should be unique?