I have a large (~100 developers), NX-managed Typescript repo, with github actions running on pull requests. The action workflow runs many steps, of which the main step compiles the code by basically running yarn run nx affected --target=build
. All works well.
However, if the PR has a compilation error, it's quite difficult for the developers to find the error. They need to:
- Look in the PR page, see that the check ("CI / main") failed, and click details
- See the build page. It shows lots of steps, with the step "build (main agent only)" marked as failed (see screenshot below)
- Expand that step, at which point they get a 1700-line log, ending with an unhelpful
Error: Process completed with exit code 1.
- Search this log for
- only now do you see the actual compilation error (see screenshot below).
Many of developers get lost along the way, especially at step 4 (search for Error:
), and need assistance. Developer guidance can only go so far...
Question: Is there anything I can do in my workflow to make the errors more discoverable? I vaguely remember that in Azure Devops you could...