I'm a CS student working on a project to convert a number to a decimal then to a rounded whole number.
int main(int argc, char** argv){ //Problem 1- Output a score int score = 34567; printf("Score %d\n", score); //Problem 2- Output a percentage float percent = (float)score / MAX_SCORE; printf("Percentage %.2f\n", percent); //Problem 3- Output a rounded percentage int rPercent = (int)percent; printf("Rounded Percentage %d\n", rPercent); return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
I get the code to run as is but don't get the result I am looking to achieve. My "score" int is set to 34567, I require the percent to show as a 4 digit float (34.57), and then a rounded percentage (35). The problem I keep running into is that my percent outputs as (.35). Is it a problem in problem 2 of my code?