I'm using
to build end to end tests. I can write a rule that runs the test script if the test script file was changed.I want to build a rule sequence that doesn't run any of the other jobs (scan, build, deploy, etc.) on a commit if the test script was the only file that changed
I also want rules that run the scan, build, deploy, etc. jobs AND the end-to-end test if the test script file and another other file in the repo has changed
If tried everything I can think of. The following does not work
rules: - if: ($CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == $INTEGRATION_BRANCH) changes: - ! tests/playwright/* # Keep integration related jobs from running if only a playwright file changed - if: ($CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == $INTEGRATION_BRANCH) && ($CI_JOB_NAME != "Integration Verification") changes: - tests/playwright/* when: never - if: ($CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == $INTEGRATION_BRANCH) # Make sure we're not running a job intended for the integration branch - if: ($CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == $CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH) when: never