i´ve read posts of people having this problem, but i didn´t solve this problem. When i simply use a code like this...
package any;import JOptionPane;public class Main{ public static void main(String[] args){ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Testing");}}
obviously, i have another code that is more sophisticated, but i was testing this simply code to confirm the problem root (i thought my code was the problem), but it didn´t work neither. For some reason, it worked fine with both codes (the sophisticated, and this simply one) in cmd using java -jar x.jar
thank you so much for your help!
So, i was trying to run in windows my jar file with double click, but i received an exception "A Java Exception Has Ocurred". But not happening in cmd. Something I could contribute is that, when I checked what I was running it with, it had javaw.exe, so I changed it to what some were recommending, which was java.exe, but with this, it only opens and closes