I am new to Elastic Search, so any tips or hints are appreciated!
I have an index where I want to retrieve some entries that match exactly some values of the field called "my_id".
These are my attempts:Query 1:
{"min_score": 1,"query": {"bool": {"must": [ {"terms": {"project": ["one"] } } ],"filter": [ { "terms": { "my_id": ["my_id_2", "my_id_1"] } } ] } }}
-> returns empty hits.
Query 2:
{"min_score": 1,"query": {"bool": {"must": [ {"terms": {"project": ["one"] } } ] , "should": [ {"match": {"my_id": "my_id_1" } }, {"match": {"my_id": "my_id_2" } } ] } }}
-> returns more entries than the entries with given my_id.
I am at loss here and do not see what could be wrong. Do I have to have a look at analyzers? If it is text or keyword based setup? If so, how do you check these and change these?
Thanks in advance for every answer and comment!
This is the field type:
"my_id": {"type": "text","fields": {"keyword": {"type": "keyword","ignore_above": 256 } } },