i work on R3F, i set the material color with "0x292929" and the color is great! Like i want!
if (modelModifier.color !== undefined) { gsap.to(material.color, { r: ((modelModifier.color >> 16) & 255) / 255, g: ((modelModifier.color >> 8) & 255) / 255, b: (modelModifier.color & 255) / 255, duration: 1, immediateRender: false })} else { material.color.setHex(0x292929)}
But now if i change the color with
modelModifier.color: 0xf64941,
The color isnt red but very very light white/red. So i change back to
modelModifier.color: 0x292929,
And the color material isnt dark but is now very very light white/grey.
I think its because of course i normalise the RGB on base/255 so 292929 is now, on normalized RGB: 0.16, 0.16, 0.16 ... Hmm, what i am doing wrong ? I cant normalize the RGB without having the good color i want ? ( Because hex 292929 in rgb is normaly 41, 41, 41 )
Thanks for your help guys!
I try to animate the transition color from hex to hex but GSAP didnt like that at all or with some bad trick. So i need Normalized RGB or maybe simple RGB ?