My app has a feature where users can add their reviews. For example, it's like leaving a comment on Facebook. posting a user review should be stored in the reviews list. I think it can't be done this way .doc(DocId).update(review.toJson())
This is a screenshot of the data structure of my firebase firestore.
I tried to solve this firestore.FieldValue if I do that, an error massage will come like this: I/flutter (21250): type '_Map<String, String?>' is not a subtype of type 'List<dynamic>'
this is my firestore query.
Future<void> addReview (placeId,Review review) async{ try{ await FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection('attractions') .where('placeId',isEqualTo: placeId).get() .then((querySnapshot) { for (var ele in { FirebaseFirestore.instance .collection('attractions') .doc( .update({'reviews': FieldValue.arrayUnion(review.toJson())}); } }); }catch(e){ print(e); } }}
this is my review.dart model class :
class Review { final String reviewId; final String? name; final String publishAt; final String? reviewerPhotoUrl; final String text; Review({ required this.reviewId, required, required this.publishAt, required this.reviewerPhotoUrl, required this.text, }); toJson ()=>{"reviewId":reviewId,"name":name,"publishAt":publishAt,"reviewerPhotoUrl":reviewerPhotoUrl,"text":text };}
I think there is a way around this or there is an alternative to doing this.