I have developed a windows kernel mode driver. Now I want to test it with Windows Virtual Hardware Lab Kit(VHLK) to get it signed.I only have windows 10 Home so I cannot use Hyper-V, that's why I am trying to run it on vmware player or virtual box.
I downloaded the VHLK Virtual HLK (VHLK) for Windows 10, Version 2004 and I tried to convert it to vmde file usinghttps://www.starwindsoftware.com/starwind-v2v-converterhttps://www.vmware.com/products/converter.htmlbut it fails when I tried to add the converted disk image to VMware virtual machine.
Has anyone tried to do that same before or anyone knows what I am missing?
Tried to convert the downloaded VHLK (2019DC-19041.1.vb_release.191206-1406-HLK.vhdx) withhttps://www.starwindsoftware.com/starwind-v2v-converterhttps://www.vmware.com/products/converter.html
And add the virtual disk to vmware player by "Create a New Virtual Machine" -> "Install OS later" -> "Add hard disk", select the converted virtual disk file. => Guest OS failed to boot.