Person1_UID Person2_UID Type1 2 club member1 9 family1 11 colleague2 4 friend2 7 colleague3 4 club member3 6 colleague3 9 friend3 10 follower4 6 family4 10 family5 8 family6 11 colleague7 8 colleague8 11 friend
DID Description UID VID1 Spa Day 1 191 Spa Day 2 201 Spa Day 9 172 Adventure Time 4 162 Adventure Time 6 163 Family Fun Day 3 183 Family Fun Day 4 173 Family Fun Day 7 183 Family Fun Day 10 194 Relaxation Date 5 20UID: User IDDID: Day Package IDVID: Voucher ID
Given the above tables, find the day packages with highest participant count where all participants are related to one another as either 'family' or 'club members'.
The query should return:
DID Description Participant_Count1 Spa Day 32 Adventure Time 2
Please assist me any kind soul, thank you! I have been stuck at this for hours. T-T
I only know how to return total participant count:
SELECT Description, COUNT(DISTINCT UID) AS Participants_CountFROM DAY_PACKAGEGROUP BY DescriptionORDER BY Participants_Count DESC