I'm trying to deploy a couple of Pyro5 objects to be able to have other services communicate with them on a kubernetes cluster. Moving from a docker-compose setup it was working fine and wellby just specifying the host as the name like thismyObject = Pyro5.server.Daemon(host="python2", port=9091)
and services would easily resolve the pyro server by the name python2
Now after moving to a k8s-based environment when I released it with a ClusterIP service with the same name so I could replicate the action, I get this error from the pod.
d = Pyro5.server.Daemon(host="python2", port=9091) File "/code/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/Pyro5/server.py", line 232, in __init__ self.transportServer.init(self, host, port, unixsocket) File "/code/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/Pyro5/svr_threads.py", line 129, in init sslContext=sslContext) File "/code/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/Pyro5/socketutil.py", line 278, in create_socket sock.bind(bind)OSError: [Errno 99] Cannot assign requested address
Anything I'm missing here?