I have a text field and I am trying to add error handling for a condition were the min value is 5 and the max is 30. I can't seem to figure out a solution or condition to satisfy this as if I input the value 1 then it will return false since that's lower then 5. That causes an issue though as I can never do something like "14".
Not sure if I should also add a set of numeric values to validate if the number inputed is less than a range from 0 > 5.
Another option I can think of is to check when the keyboard is dismissed. The annoying thing with iPads is that there is also the case were I need to handle if the user touches that keyboard dismiss button on the button right.
Any help or direction would be appreciated!
This is the code I currently have:
func textField(_ textField: UITextField, shouldChangeCharactersIn range: NSRange, replacementString string: String) -> Bool { if let value = Int(valueString), let maxValue, (value >= Int(truncating: maxValue)), let minValue, value <= Int(truncating: minValue) { if value == 0 { textField.text = "" } else { textField.text = currencyFormatter.string(from: NSNumber(value: value)) } } return true}