I'm trying to implement something equivalent to:
docker exec -it <some_container> /bin/bash
Ie. run a command in a container and connect stdin
and stdout
of my program to stdin
and stdout
of the command.
My reading of the documentation seems to imply that the following should do the job:
import dockerclient = docker.from_env()container, = client.containers.list()container.exec_run(['/usr/local/bin/bash'], stdin=True, tty=True)
(There's a single container running bash:latest
But it doesn't seem like the program's stdin
is connected to that of the exec
'd command.The command line just sits there, echoing my input, but not reacting to it in any way.
I've also tried to interact with the raw socket:
_, s = container.exec_run(['/usr/local/bin/bash'], stdin=True, tty=True, socket=True)s.write('echo hello world')
But I'm getting UnsupportedOperation: File or stream is not writable.
Question: What would I have to do to allow the user of my code to interact with the std IO of a command executed in a container using docker-py?