I am using Fancy Grid, when ever some changes or update occurs in this cell I want to see it inside debugger, I have put debugger inside function and when I make any changes it does not pause inside this function nor it print anything in console. Please find the code below:
{ index: 'fieldLength', editable: editableLength, title: 'Field Length', flex: 1, headerCls: 'header-cell-without-search-input', filter:{ header:true }, type: 'number', vtype: { before: ['notempty', 'notnan'], type: 'min', param: 0 }, events: [{ onchange : function (g,o) { debugger console.log("SOmething changed!!") } }] }
What is the proper solution here?
I have try many methods like before|after , update, save but still not found an proper solution.