I'm working on a project involving a large stepper motor (NEMA23) controlled by an external stepper driver (DQ860MA), with the control signals coming from a RUMBA board as MCU. I'm a full hobbyist with very little knowledge of E&E.
I've been grappling with the connections between these components, and despite my efforts, I find myself confused and unable to progress. While I believe all other components such as end stoppers, fans, and thermosensors are functioning properly, the stepper motors fail to respond when I send movement commands via G-code.
I'm convinced that once I establish the correct connection between the MCU and the stepper driver, my project will be successful. Could you lend a hand?
The DQ860MA stepper driver has six pins (DIR+, DIR-, PUL+, PUL-, ENB+, ENB-), while the MCU has 16 pins (ENA, MS1, MS2, MS3, RST, SLEEP, STEP, DIR, GND, VDD 1B, 1A, 2A, 2B, GND, VMOT, from 1 to 16 in order, see below).
- Connection option diagrams (common anode & common cathode) by stepper motor supplier
- Typical connection provided by stepper motor supplier
- RUMBA board schematic drawing for stepper driver controller
- My current connection config
Here are my questions:
Based on the typical connection diagram, STEP of MCU goes to PUL- of driver. DIR of MCU goes to DIR- of driver. VDD of MCU goes to DIR+& PUL+ of driver. And GND of MCU left unconnected as well as ENB+& ENB- of drivers. Do you think that will work?Connection 1
ChatGPT suggested STEP of MCU goes to PUL+ and DIR of MCU goes to DIR+, and GND of MCU goes to DIR- & PUL-, while VDD of MCU left unconnected. Correct?Connection according to ChatGPT
Are there any other important connections or considerations I should be aware of when connecting the MCU to the stepper driver for controlling a large stepper motor?