I am running Linux Mint Cinnamon, version 21.3. I just wanted to practice running the adb command from the command line in Android Studio Hedgehog (2023.1.1 patch 2), but I keep getting sh: adb: command not found
whenever I type any adb command.
I ran sudo apt install adb
, and it's been installed in /usr/lib/android-sdk/platform-tools
. I see the adb executable in there.
Then, I went to File Settings->Tools->Terminal
in Android Studio,
and I set the Start Directory to /usr/lib/android-sdk/platform-tools
. It did not make a difference. I wonder if I need to change the Android SDK location to this, but I feel hesitant to disrupt some of these defaults, being a relative newcomer to Android Studio. Also, Android Studio doesn't even see this directory; I pasted it in there, but it's impossible to actually navigate to it, as it's invisible from Android Studio. I set the $PATH environment variable to include the platform-tools folder, and it does, but I wonder if there is another $PATH variable that's specific to Android Studio, and whether there's a PATH subsystem in the IDE itself that's not related to what I set up in my .bashrc file.